Engine #75 is still active as of October 2024. It has had three of Amtrak's now 4 generations of basic exterior P42 styings. It had been in 3G millennium livery since 2002, and has had a bolt-on nose added. As of May 19, 2024 it has been refreshed in 4G.
Six of of the ten 70-79 are still on duty in 2024, with #79 probably just getting routine maintenanc at Beech Grove. The 70's group had a loss to fire in 2011, as #70 burned while serving on the Lakeshore Limited. There were faulty fuel injectors blamed for fires in several locomotives that year. It's carcass was offered for sale in 2019. Engine #73 has now been out of service for more than a year, sitting at Beech Grove with obvious scratches and tears down the engineers side. It was the trailing unit behind #58 on the Coast Starlite March 18, 2021 when a contractor left a bobtruck too close to the tracks. A collision and fire ensued. Engine 58 was patched back up, but #73 ended up at the Grove on June 9, 2021. Also missing in action in 2023 is #79, and June 2023, #74 was trailing on the Coast Starlight when a truck incursion took place. Not known in July is whether #74 was damaged to severely to return to duty.
Serial numbers for 70-79 are between 49608 and 49617. Build dates were March and April 1997. After delivery in the 1993 style paint, all were eventually refurbished into 2000 millennial livery. Road numbers 75 and 77 first received northeastern 1998 varient, all the rest going directly into low shirt millennium paint during 2002. Both #75 and #76 had early repainting due to wreck damage (the latter due to a derailment and overturn). Nose cones were all changed to the bolt-on variety by the end of the decade.
Here are 2023-2024 train assignments for #75:
#75 - Serial 49613(April 1997) Train 3 of February 3, 2023; train 4 of February 5, 2023.
March 2023. Train 30 Mar 15. Train 21 Mar 17). Train 50 Mar 23/24. Trains 65/124 Mar25. Trains 151/66 Mar26. Trains 67/186 Mar27. Trains 84/93 Mar31.
April 2023. Trains 88/99 Apr1. Trains 174/29 Apr 3. Train 30 Apr4. Train 67 Apr5. Trains 186/67 Apr6. Train 186 Apr7. Train 79 Apr8. Train 80 Apr9. Train 79 Apr10. Train 80 Apr11. Train 95 Apr12. Train 84 Apr13. Train 29 Apr13(w/830). Train 30 Apr14. Tr67Apr18, Tr89 Apr19. Tr90 Apr20. Tr85 Apr25.
May 2023. Tr 138 May1. Tr29 May5(w/324). Tr30 May 6. Tr97 May7(w/154). Tr98 May9(w/134). Tr95 May10. T84 May11. T94/171 May12. T156 May13. T19 May13(w/146). T20 May15(w/146). T86 May17. T29 May17.
June 2023. T30Jun2. T97Jun3(w/192). T98Jun5(w/192). T91Jun6(w/192). T92Jun8(w/192). T97Jun9(w/192). T98Jun19(w/60). T91Jun20(w/60). T92Jun22(w/60). T98Jun25(w/60). T91Jun26(w/60). T92Jun28(w/60). T19Jun29(w/60). T20Jun30(w/60).
July 2023. T19July1(w/60). T20July2(w/60). T19July4/5(w/155). T97July21/22(w/198). T98July24/25(w/183). T91July25/26(w/183). T98July27/28(w/115). T91July28/29(w/115). T92July30/31(w/115).
August 2023. T19Aug1/2(w/98). T20Aug4/5(w/98). T97Aug5/6(w/98). T92Aug9/10(w/87). T19Aug10/11(w/87). T1Aug12/14(w/126). T14Aug18/19(w/323). T11Aug20/21(w/323). T4Aug23/25(w/82). T59Aug25/26(w/82). T58Aug29/30(w/155). T59Aug30/31(w/155).
September 2023. T58Sep1/2(w/155). T3Sep5/7(w/43). T4Sep8/10(w/43). T3Sep8/10(w/43). T4Sep10/12(w/43). T3Sep13/15(w/43). T4Sep15/17(w/43). T393Sep19. CHI-BEE Sep23/24(w/180 on Cardinal section). BEE-CHI Sep24/25(w/25 and on Cardinal section 204). T59Sep25/26(w/322). T58Sep27/28(w/322). T59Sep28/29(w/322). T58Sep30/Oct1(w/322).
October 2023. T59Oct1/2(w/322). T58 Oct3/4(w/160). T5 Oct8/11(w/816). T6 Oct11/13(w/816). T5 Oct16/18(w/172). T6 Oct19/21(w/83). T5 Oct22/24(w/138). T6 Oct25/27(w/138). T5 Oct 28/30(w/138).
November 2023. T6Nov9/11(w/188). T3Nov14/16(w/158+7Ld). No reports Nov16-26. T14Nov26/27(w/204ld). T11Nov28/29(w/204). T14Nov30/Dec1(w/204Ld).
December 2023. T11 Dec2/3(w/204 Ld). T14Dec4/5(w/204 Ld). T11Dec6/7(w/204 Ld). T4Dec8/10(w/204 Ld). T5Dec14/16(w/816 tr). T6Dec17/19(w/816Tr). T30Dec22/23. Ivy City. T151/66-24/25(RNK). T67-25. T186-26. T79-27. T80-28. T141-29(w/NS7532). T158-30 NFK-WAS. T145-31.
January 2024. Ivy City. T156/67-1. T186-2. T141-3. T138-4. T125-5. T194-6. T79-7. T80/67-8. T186-10. T151/6611RNK. T79-12. T80-13. T51Jan14/15(w/83Ld). T50Jan16/17(w/83Ld). T141-18. T138-19. T65-20 set out #75 RVR w/83 on to NPN). T90-20(RVR-WAS w/339Tr). T195-21 RVR. T86/95-22. T84-23. T19Jan23(w/335Tr). T20Jan24(w/335Tr). T97Jan25/26(w/335Tr). T98Jan27/28(w/335Tr). T29Jan28/29. T50Jan30/31.
February 2024 Ivy City. T141-1. T138-2. T151/66-3. T91Feb4/5(w/315Ld). T92Feb6/7(w/315Ld). T91Feb8/9(w/310Tr). T92Feb10/11(dropped SAV w/310Tr). T91Feb11/12(SAV w/189Tr). T90-11(w/NS5293Ld SAV-CHS). T67-11. T186-12. T67-12 NPN. Ivy City 2-13/20. T29Feb20/21(w/315Ld). CHI 2-21/23. CHI-BEE 2-24/25(w/202+69+817Ld& 174 on Cardinal).
May 2024. At Beech Grove February 25, 2024 through May 19, 2024. Paint refreshed in 4G. BEE-CHI 5-20. T1333-21(w/82 other end). T1333-21(w/82 other end). T1340-22(w/82 other end). T1333-23(w/82). T1340-24(w/82). T1333-25(w/82). T1340-26(w/82). T1333/1340-23/26(w/82). T1333/1340-27/28(w/207). T1333/1340-29/30(w/193).
June 2024. T1333-31/T1340-Jun1/3(w/190).75 T1333-31/T1340-Jun1/3(w/190). T5Jun5/7(w/60Ld). T6Jun8/10(w/79Ld). T5Jun11/13(w/7Ld). T6Jun14/16(w/7Ld). T5Jun17/19(w/7Ld). T6Jun20/22(w/7Tr). T59Jun22/23(w/172Tr). T58Jun24/25(w/172Tr). T30Jun25/26. Ivy City T85-26. T86-27. T91Jun27/28(w/338+353Ld). T92Jun29/30(w/353Ld). Ivy City T94/93July1.
July 2024. Ivy City T94-2. T19July2/3(w/350Ld). T20July4/5(w/344Ld). T79-6. T80-7. T79-8. T80-9. T125-10. T174-11. T29July11/12. T30July12/13. Ivy City *T67/124-14. T151/66-15. T141-16. Ivy City T138-17. *T67/186-18. T51July19/20. T50July20/21(w/176+48+508 CHI-IND). Ivy City. T79-22. T80-23. *T67/186-24. T79-25. T80-26. T151/66-27. T153-28. T138-29. Ivy City T79-30. T80-31.
August 2024 Ivy City. T151/66-1. T79-2. T80-3. T79-4. T80-5. T141-6. T138-7. T151/66-8. T51Aug9/10. CHI-BEE 8-13/14(w/187Ld+183Tr&22 on Cardinal). BEE-CHI 8-14/15(w/159Tr+335 on Cardinal). CHI 8-15/30. T59Aug30/31(w/317Tr).
September 2024. T58Sep1/2(w/317Tr). T59Sep2/3(w/317Tr). T1Sep4/6(w/824Tr). T2Sep6/8(w/824Tr). T1Sep9/11(w/824Tr). T2Sep11/13(SAS w/824Tr). T1Sep14/16(w/824Tr). T4Sep16/18(w/824Tr). T3Sep19-21(w/824Tr). T4Sep21-23(w/824Tr). T3Sep24-26(w/824Tr). T4Sep26-28(w/824Tr). T82-28. T3Sep29-Oct2(w/824Tr).
October 2024. T4 Oct2-4(w/824Tr). T3 Oct 5-7(w/824Tr). T4 Oct 10-12(w/81Ld). T3 Oct 13-15(w/81Ld). T4 Oct 15-17(w/63Tr). T3 Oct 18-20(w/194Tr).
Could be more on page page 1997.
October 22, 2024 Update from 4rr.com feedback at 4rr.com