A table of contents has been a long time coming, and for that we apologize. This site has a page or two on each of Amtrak's P42 locomotives, developed and produced between 1988 and 2001 as the first computer-controlled diesel powered passenger locomotives. Each locomotive has a cover photo, and you can learn more about it by clicking on the photo.

Locomotive spotting is a sub-set of a larger universe of transport. There are many more who chase aircraft and ships. Even a few hunt busses and postal trucks. The avocation has become easier with the internet, thanks to networks of cameras, and with GPS transponders on some. Much of it is proprietary, but some is available to the public. We thank those who have taken the time and effort to make their information available. This site is not affilliated with Amtrak or any other entity.

Here are links to the remaining Amtrak "Genesis" series locomotives still in operation in 2024. While we are interested in all of them, our major focus is the group built in 1996. These are endangered species, because they are being replaced by Siemens Mobility "Chargers," of which Amtrak had received 50 long distance versions by the end of 2023. For our end of the year summary as to their status, there is also a separate link now provided.

June 14, 2024 Update from "feedback" at for comments, contributions, corrections, updates, broke links, etc.
Link to 2023 End of Year Summary